So anyone have any suggestions on a good way to get this place active?
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LuluOokami Feb 10, 2015
angelxxuan Banned Member Nov 28, 2014
maybe, as long as no one gets upset that I lean with the character and can sometimes shake the controller when things don't go my way.
Hooyaah Nov 27, 2014
Bunny has a great idea there, Lulu-san. Yay for Bunny, she'd be a fun person to sit next to on the sofa and play games with. ^__^
angelxxuan Banned Member Nov 26, 2014
there is the feature/ability to send private messages to members of the group, I do that upon takeover of a group just to give them an idea that they haven't been forgotten.
I only have a ds, but I have really been getting into my Pokemon games again, and I just found out there's a new pokemon bringing, Omega Ruby has caught my eye. they are an old take on GBA ruby and sapphire. also addicted to project x zone for ds3d, it's an epic crossover !
Hooyaah Nov 25, 2014
I'm still playing this:
LuluOokami Nov 14, 2014
Good idea there Hoo.
Hooyaah Nov 14, 2014
My recommendation is to contact current members who have been active recently at Minitokyo and encourage them to post here and reintroduce themselves, then comment on the new games that they have been playing lately.
LuluOokami Nov 09, 2014
If you can think of anyone who might enjoy being here then please invite them.
Hooyaah Nov 07, 2014
Yes, I'm with Bunny. I hope that more members join and tell us what games they play and why they prefer them.
LuluOokami Nov 07, 2014
We shall see what we can do.
angelxxuan Banned Member Nov 06, 2014
yay ! thank you :) hopefully you'll be able to bring some attention and glory to the slightly dead with plenty of mia members.
LuluOokami Nov 06, 2014
Quote by angelxxuanI had forgotten all about this group, hope it's alright that I returned.
The more the merrier.
angelxxuan Banned Member Nov 06, 2014
I had forgotten all about this group, hope it's alright that I returned.
Drakill Jul 25, 2012
Quote by zairaLOLZ its been a while since I visit this group, anyway what do we have here?
A gaming group that no1 uses? XD -
zaira Jul 25, 2012
Drakill Jul 24, 2012
zaira Jul 24, 2012
Yoohoo! Um is this group alive? just want to confirm.
Drakill Jun 04, 2012
Hey! I'm new to the group :)
Quote by stargemwe must have a new vote for anime, game, and manga of the month....
those series are now long obsolete!
I agree. Voting is good :) -
azyl12 May 31, 2011
If there will be a like button, I'd like some of the comments. O______O"!
stargem Sep 06, 2010
we must have a new vote for anime, game, and manga of the month....
those series are now long obsolete! -
noorrasyiqah Jul 27, 2010
keep rock on!(>w<) -
Hooyaah Jul 03, 2010
I am an aspirant member. I play PC games primarily. I have too many to count.
Raven83 Jun 17, 2010
Sorry Star I've not on as much as I used to be and probably won't be on that much in the near future. I really need to get outside.
stargem May 23, 2010
sooo, are we walking undead here or what?
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